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MAYO 2024 - Volumen: 99 - Páginas: 235-239
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Natural cross ventilation is considered an effective and sustainable strategy against respiratory pandemics in confined spaces. The entry of air into a classroom, through doors and windows, improves the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), decreases the transmission of respiratory diseases with adequate social distancing (1.5 m) being accessible in terms of energy consumption. In this study, a comparison between types of cross ventilation from CO2 concentration, number of people and window and door surfaces of a school in a Mediterranean climate is carried out. CO2 levels were measured in two similar and annexed classrooms with different window and door openings (0%, 33% y 66%) with 2 loading and unloading sequences. Two types of cross ventilation were analyzed: cross ventilation with window and door in the same direction or direct (CDIR), and diagonal cross ventilation (CDIA), in a period of 3 h. in December 2022. The results show an interaction between CO2 levels and the type of ventilation. Diagonal cross ventilation was more effective in terms of air renewal (ACH) than direct ventilation, in smaller opening ranges (33%), with direct cross ventilation being more effective globally and in larger opening ranges (66%), under the conditions of this case study.
© Revista de Ingeniería Dyna 2006 - Publicaciones Dyna, S.L & Co-Publisher UK Zhende Publishing Limited
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