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ENERO 2018 - Volumen: 93 - Páginas: 22-24
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The UNFCCC Climate Conference, known as the COP 23, was held in Bonn (Germany) between the 7-18th of November 2017. Although the presidency of the COP, and therefore host, was the Republic of Fiji in Melanesia, the conference was held at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) headquarters in Bonn, with the support of the German government as a co-host, due to a lack of the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the tenths of thousands delegates and observers attending the meeting in Fiji. The six bodies of the UNFCCC based on their respective agendas meet during two weeks. The Parties sent 11,300 delegates to Bonn, 25% less than in COP21 in Paris. More than 6,000 Representatives from US bodies, specialised agencies, intergovernmental organisation and NGOs were also present, together with more than 1,600 journalists. Altogether, more than 19,000 delegates travelled to Bonn, far from the number met in Paris in 2015.
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