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MAYO 2024 - Volumen: 99 - Páginas: 272-277
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This paper performs a study of the Packing Fraction (PF) in different commercial DEM (Discrete Element Method) software. For this purpose, the influence of different geometrical and particle characteristic parameters on the PF by filling a cylindrical container are analyzed. The simulation software used are DigiDEM, DigiPac and StarCCM+. Simulations are performed to compare the simulation time and verification of results; the influence of increasing the particle diameter in the same container, the influence of increasing the particle diameter and the container in proportion, the influence of increasing the h/d ratio in cylindrical particles "pellets" and the influence of decreasing the h/d ratio in cylindrical particles "disks".
© Revista de Ingeniería Dyna 2006 - Publicaciones Dyna, S.L & Co-Publisher UK Zhende Publishing Limited
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